Commercial Credit Insurance

Your Eureka Moment

Been There. Done That. So You Don’t Have to.

Man … we’re getting old. Or it can feel like it when the ‘Verge’ writes a 2024 article* about repairing the first circumnavigating fiber-optic sea cable … the very one a team member underwrote a political risk (CF) policy to finance its original cable lay. Or a think tank deep dives* into the impact of a trans-European LNG pipeline … the one a team member underwrote a trade credit policy to finance its construction. Or when a ‘back in the day’ former IT Client is now the market leader in a channel that it initially supported using a … yep.

Fortunately, at crediteureka, we encourage our Clients to exploit our angst! We discovered what Ponce was looking for: helping partners succeed keeps us young. For our Clients, partnering with crediteureka means a) a helluva lot less time, b) a whole lot less expense, and c) getting EXACTLY what they want. Over and over again. With that kind of reliability & savings, they stay young.

crediteureka. where companies go for extra credit.


What Do Our Clients Say?

“After winning a significant global managed services contract, we needed to insure the new international trade receivables to help support the working capital needs of our growing company. I first attempted this undertaking on my own. While I was able to receive multiple quotes, I was not happy with the results. Fortunately, I was referred to Credit Eureka. Credit Eureka quickly understood my specific business requirements and got me the policy I needed in just a matter of days. I ended up with a policy that met all my goals while also providing a cost savings of 50% compared to my earlier quotes.”

VP Finance
Technology & Software Services Company

    * “The invisible seafaring industry that keeps the internet afloat,” 4/16/2024. The Verge.

    * “Russian gas transit through Ukraine”, 10/23/2023, Center on Global Energy Policy, Columbia University.